
Oswal Crop Apollo Plus - Fipronil 5_ SC

Apollo Plus

Fipronil 5% SC



Cabbage, Chilli, Rice, Sugarcane



1500 ml/500 L



Brown Plant Hopper, Root borer, Early shoot borer, Termite, Green leaf hopper, Leaf folder, Stem borer, Gall midge, White backed plant hopper, Diamon Back Moth, Fruit borer


Plant Protection Equipment:- high volume nozzle fitted to sprayers like a knap-sack, Air pressure Foot Pump, Hard rocker, or power-operated spraying machine may be used. 


Fipronil 5% SC is an insecticide which is used to control insects like stem borer, brown plant hopper, green leaf hopper, rice leaf folder, rice gall midge, white backed plant 4. hopper, whorl maggot in rice. DBM in cabbage, thrips, aphids & fruit borer in chills, early shoot borer & root borer in sugarcane.  

Time of Applications:

Rice: The Fipronil application must be given between 25 to 30 days after transplanting. Cabbage: The first spray is to be given at 30 to 35 days after transplanting or when pest incidence is noticed, whichever is earlier. Repeat 2 to 3 sprays at 7 to 10 days intervals. Chilli:- First spray is to be given at 40 to 50 days after translating or when pest incidence is noticed, whichever is earlier. repeat 2 to 3 sprays at 1 to 10 days intervals. Sugarcane:- For earlier shoot borer foliar application at 35 days after planting (DAP) and for root borer drenching of soil at planting.